After moving aboard and officially taking delivery, you know stacks of paperwork and official document type stuff, it was time to Christen Steppin’ Our properly!
If you’ve been around boats, you know that boaters can be a superstitious bunch and we are no different! Boat christening ceremonies have been carried out for millennia. Sailors and their families would gather to ask the gods to protect the new vessel and provide safe passage. Ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cultures would ask their gods for protection from the perilous seas. Well, we weren’t going to stand in the way of tradition so we set out to properly Christen Steppin’ Out and ensure that safe passage was requested from Poseidon before we left on our first voyage!
There was a lot of research that went in to this and I can tell you that there is no single, correct way to do it! The internet was filled with various ways to conduct a proper Christening. Some were very formal and other were quite casual so we took from several iterations and came up with one that we felt fit the occasion. So sit back and enjoy the Christening of Steppin’ Out! The Crew!
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